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Version: Version Mobile 2.0

Create WO

Sequor Platforma Site

Create WO é um Sequor App, cujo cria ordens, faz parte do planejamento de ordens. Planejamento de ordens é a principal ferramenta do Sequor MTC, cujo é responsável por criar, editar e executar ordens.

How to Create a Order

  • Order Number: Number will be suggested, but the user can insert another info. But this field is unique, so if any order number is used, the user needs to inform another one.
  • Order Description: The user can inform a description to the service order.
  • Equipment: The user can select what's the equipment where will be executed the order.
  • Order Type: The user can select what's the type of the service order.

Differences Between Create Order, Create and Change & Copy From and Change

    only saves the registered data and leaves the entry available to be Dispatched or Completed
    in addition to saving the order data, it opens it in Order Completion mode, being possible to complement all the information necessary for the execution of the Order.
    copies the data in the order indicated in the Copy from field and opens it in Order Completion mode, being possible to complement all the information necessary for the execution of the Order. How to edit an Order Header entry: